Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Development policy

Boosting innovation together

How European development policy could promote innovation in Latin America

Economic Partnership Agreements

In the balance

Brussels must redefine its trade relations with Africa’s Regional Economic Communities


Much needed injection of capital

If the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor works out well, it could jumpstart Pakistan’s economy


Global health challenge

Experts want poor people in tropical countries to benefit from advances in medical technology

Urban development

A fast growing city

Brief overview: Mangaluru

Urban development

“Mental attitudes matter”

Civil-society leader discusses the recent development of Mangaluru, a south Indian harbour town

Regional integration

Far from united

National interests and EU crisis threaten regional integration in Africa

Foreign trade

Exports as drivers of growth

Relevant reading: exports contribute to driving growth – but they need to be the right sort of exports

Special economic zones

“Improve people’s lives”

Special economic zones should serve the purpose of smart urbanisations, says ADB economist

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