Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Decent work

Misleading dichotomy

India’s informal sector is the backbone of the economy

Deadly mix: extreme weather, global warming, climate denial

Houston does not look like the American Dream right now


Supporting SMEs in Africa

Small and medium-sized enterprises need innovative financing options – and crowdfunding is one


Development of African ­crowdfunding platforms

The development of national African crowdfunding platforms needs to be gradual

Financial sector

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunded projects are financed by large numbers of backers

Global governance

Make paradigm shift happen

The paradigm shift towards sustainability must go ahead at full speed

Climate finance

The role of the African Development Bank

The international finance institution AfDB is rising to its responsibility in view of climate change

Climate finance

African action

Africa is the world region most vulnerable to global warming and deserves support from donor governments

Venezuela’s escalating crisis

Foreign mediation would be useful in Caracas – but unlikely to happen

Saudi Arabia

How much reform can the kingdom take?

King Salman of Saudi Arabia announced a comprehensive reform programme, whether it will go smoothly is doubtful

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