Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Pakistan needs jobs

Reasons to doubt the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will massively boost employment in Pakistan


Indispensable legal certainty

Legal certainty in land-ownership questions is decisive for the battle against poverty

Inglorious empire – What the British did to India

Shashi Tharoor proves apologists of colonial rule wrong

Global affairs

Tangible advice

A group of think tanks based in G20 countries – the T20 – provides research-based policy advice to global leaders

Marshall Plan with Africa

Private sector as saviour?

Experts discuss merits of foreign direct investments in Africa

Garment production

Glimmers of hope

In Bangladesh´s garment industry there are entrepreneurs who are improving working condition for their staff

Venezuela is in a depressing state

President Maduro is not a prudent and responsible statesman

Debt relief

G20 plans do not go far enough

The number of critically indebted countries has risen


Radicalism is not necessarily bad

Africa’s young generation needs opportunities, and the structural reasons of unemployment must be tackled


A European brand

Europe must change course to achieve sustainability

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