Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

China’s leader gets stronger, but his regime gets weaker

Xi Jinping is tightening his grip on power


Steven Pinker lists reasons for global optimism

Global trends are healthier than most people think

High blood pressure

A social divide

In Nigeria, the poor tend to ignore the early symptoms of hypertension that must be taken seriously

Global governance

Reducing waiting times

Why the WTO agreement on trade facilitation matters

International trade

The Trump jolt

Opportunities of international trade in the Trump era

No, Donald Trump has not triggered an economic miracle

Growth data can be misleading, and many business journalists are not paying attention

Press freedom

Controlled media

Egypt’s journalists are not free to do their work


Military empire

Egypt’s military wields an enormous economic and political power


China’s efforts

China is keen on promoting sustainable development

Preventive action

Employers’ strategic advantage

A “call to action” urges employers in low- and middle-income countries to promote healthy lifestyles in the workplace

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