Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Tunisia’s young democracy deserves western support

Seven years after Arab spring, Tunisia’s socioeconomic situation remains bleak

Our view

What good governance depends on

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, all countries need an effective and fair tax system

Industrial policy

Pragmatism instead of ideology

State industrial policy should appropriately govern market processes

International relations

Gaining from closeness to China

The relationship between Malawi and China is getting stronger


Missing billions

International oil, gas and mining corporations are cheating developing countries out of tax revenue on an enormous scale

Bad governance

Democratic procedures serve a purpose

In the USA, the Republican tax reform resembles bad governance in much poorer countries

In praise of taxes

Market and state must complement one another

Letter to the editor

Investment is key to decent-work agenda

Reader challenges our author’s reasoning


Democracy is better

Why dictatorship is less efficient than apologists want us to think


Asian lessons for Africa

To generate employment, African garment industry must become competitive

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