Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Labour market

Disadvantaged women

More and better jobs are needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals – especially for women and young people

PEGNet Conference

Measures to reduce inequality

Public investments in education and social protection help to reduce inequality

To Bangladeshis poverty looks different than to Europeans

A documentary film concerning garments production teaches the wrong lessons

Labour relations

One law for all

Bangladesh’s labour legislation has improved, but more needs to happen

Lacking opportunities

Emigration would help

Unlike young Europeans in past centuries, young Africans today are denied opportunities overseas


Why the western model doesn’t work

Informal employment dominates in Africa – well-paying jobs with social-protection benefits are the exception

Saudi Arabia

Breaking up ossified structures

The labour market in Saudi Arabia is inflexible, unjust and limiting the country’s economic renewal

Campaign promises

Half-time results

Indonesian president is racing against time

Development Effectiveness Rating

Measuring how good a job is

DEG uses new tool for assessing employment quality and developmental impacts

Labour relations

Nightmarish conditions

Workers in India’s informal sector use rather simple technology, so productivity is low

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