Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Business activity

Surveys with potential

Meaningful business reporting can be introduced even with limited resources, as an example in Ghana shows

EU policy

Tackling trade and migration

In North Africa, EU trade policy is not reducing migration so far, but actually adding to the problem

Reconsidering structural adjustment

We must learn from success stories

World trade

Trump bullies and blackmails

The international community should unite against Trump’s irresponsible trade policy

Asian economies

New cross-border competition policy

ADB economists see need for multilateral rules to guide internet businesses

Childhood and youth

This matter cannot wait

African policymakers must do more than pay lip service to the Sustainable Development Goal to improve education at all levels

Global development

Ignored achievements

In order to rise to future challenges, humanity needs to be aware of past achievements


An erratic US president is playing with fire

Trump’s trade policy is ill-advised and dangerous


Grand Neom vision is unrealistic, but politically useful

Ahead of Egypt’s managed elections, Saudi crown prince supports incumbent president


Caring for too many people

In Ghana, every person with a job must feed many members of an extended family

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