Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Innovative drivers of sustainable development

The Up-Scaling programme of DEG, the German development finance institution

Private-sector development

“The right balance”

Innovative start-ups make a difference in Africa, but on their own they cannot generate enough jobs

Plastics ban

Finding alternatives

Rwanda is taking its ban on single-use plastic bags one big step further, to include most other types of single-use plastic products

Rural youth

Clearing the jobs hurdle

What helps Africa’s growing, youthful population find productive jobs in rural areas

Youth unemployment

South Africa’s time bomb

Five proposals for improving labour-market dynamics in South Africa


Coronavirus hurts Mauritius though no-one is infected so far

Mauritius is a very small country far away from China – but its economy has close ties to that country


Advocating for the private sector

Liberian business leaders want their government to tackle specific challenges


Central bankers sounding climate alarm

A conservative global institution – the BIS – demands a double paradigm change


Road to riches

To become a regional powerhouse, Tamale in Ghana needs appropriate transport infrastructure

Our view

Indispensable arteries

Infrastructure must be built prudently for transport to become sustainable

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