Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Port of Cotonou

Competitive squall at the pier

The Autonomous Port of Cotonou, Benin’s economic engine, is facing a major new challenge from neighbouring Nigeria, one of its biggest customers

Women’s work

Women take on menial jobs

Zimbabwean women are taking on difficult menial jobs once held only by men

Flagship report

12 to 15 million jobs

AfDB proposals for generating more productive employment in Africa

Protest movements

Arab Spring reloaded

In the Middle East and North Africa, young people are taking to the streets to fight for better living conditions

Foreign trade

Mozambique’s trade with ­Germany

Mozambique primarily exports commodities to Germany


Moving away from simple commodity exports

An Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU offers Mozambique opportunities, but the country must grasp them

Climate change

Engulfed by the lake

Fishermen on Zambia’s Lake Kariba are drowning in growing numbers

Global environment

“Swimming against the tide”

Bangladeshi scholar Saleemul Huq assesses the role of the EU in international climate talks


Education as a central driver

Researchers analyse the reasons why people emigrate or flee


Central banks should pay attention to environmental hazards

Policymakers must take potentially devastating impacts of the climate crisis into account

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