Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Paradigm shift: focus on investments in Africa

With the initiative “Compact with Africa”, BMZ aims to support Africa's economic potential


Absent fathers

Why South African society tends to not prepare boys adequately for the future

Political deadlock

The long walk to serious talks

Venezuela needs a restart with government and opposition engaging in serious negotiations


Pros and cons: virtual money

Crypto currencies open up opportunities, but also have risks for rich and developing countries


Praising the social market economy

Faith leaders in Tanzania do not want to see economy leaving anyone behind

Ethnic conflicts

Tribal rifts widen in Zimbabwe

Underdevelopment is responsible for the rising tribal tensions in Zimbabwe


New president, old problems

Argentina has to reform its political system and economic model


A vision for Africa

Africa has to free itself from western criteria and find its own way to regain its position in the world, says Senegalese economist


Yet another economic tsunami

Inflation is once again plunging masses of Zimbabweans into poverty

Informal work

Better education and training

More education is crucial to create less informal and more formal work

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