Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Development policy

A measure of SDG finance

OECD is working on a new way to measure SDG finance


Beyond the threshold

Far fewer countries will be eligible to receive ODA in the future – that means problems for SDG finance


Ending the taboo

Award-winning Netflix documentary helps to break the stigma around menstruation


Remembering the “forgotten continent”

There are reasons why European investors are shying away from Africa

Impact investing

SDGs offer business opportunities

Expert from Brookings Institution assesses different sources of SDG funding


Xi Jinping is weaker than many observers believe

Why I do not think that China proves authoritarianism to be effective

Our view

Failure is unaffordable

If humanity fails to fund the SDG agenda appropriately, all nations will suffer and none will be great

Right-wing populism

Modi won – but did India?

In recent elections, India’s incumbent prime minister thrived on divisiveness


How addictive behaviours are linked to inequality

A new book by two British scholars explores the negative impacts that social inequality has on mental health


More satisfaction and happiness

Many young climate activists will find Mike Berners-Lee’s new book “There is no planet B” useful

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