Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Population trends

More and more, older and older

Both ageing societies with declining populations and growing, youthful ones face serious challenges


African responses

Sub-Saharan health-care systems tend to be weak, so preventive action is needed in view of Covid-19


Two-pronged global crisis

Covid-19 requires global cooperation to protect human health and prevent economic depression

Demographic dividend

Demographic change as a driver of economic growth

Will Africa really profit from a demographic dividend?

Population growth

Global challenge

Africa needs 450 million new jobs to benefit from the demographic dividend

Development finance

Untapped potential

Diaspora bonds could play a bigger role in development finance


End colonial amnesia

A volume of essays analyses Germany's complex and historically problematic relationship with Africa

Business incubation

Building digital nations

Tech hubs are proliferating all over the world, but face particular challenges in Africa

Chile’s new constitution

Citizens speak up

Chileans are preparing to vote in a constitutional referendum that will determine their future


Mere first steps

Not everyone is happy about West Africa’s CFA Franc being set to become the Eco

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