Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Made in Chibombo

A big Chinese investment aims to create a manufacturing base in central Zambia


Women at work

How “2X Challenge” investments are making a difference


“Village banks” face winds of change

“Village bank” lending circles face regulation and commercial bank competition

Gaming industry

The opportunity is right now

A game-design pioneer in Ghana tells about the challenges and constraints of his work


Defining the new digital world order

The US and China are locked in a battle for dominance in cyberspace


Not in my backyard

Malawi sends refugee business owners back to crowded camp

Personal prospects

Many Nigerians seek greener pastures abroad

The big issue in Africa’s most populous country is worsening poverty

Relevant reading

Progress undone by pandemic

International reports show that Covid-19 has interrupted middle-class growth and exacerbated poverty

Social mobility

How to spot members of Nepal’s middle class

Nepal’s middle class is growing, but slower GDP growth threatens its progress

Planetary boundaries

Consumerism is unsustainable

Why other world regions must not copy western consumption patterns

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