Coastal communities

Fish species are disappearing

In West Africa, coastal communities’ livelihoods are at risk because of overfishing and oil production


Maghreb at risk

Closer economic cooperation could bring more stability to North Africa

Senior citizens

Pensioners fall on hard times

Zimbabwe’s elderly cannot access their pensions

Call for papers

Inequality – and how to deal with it

Annual PEGNet conference to focus on inequality in Zürich in September

African Union-European Union Summit

Give civil society more space

The results of the fifth EU-AU summit fell far short of expectations


Future at risk

Youth unemployment remains a key challenge in Zambia


Inclusion counts

New CBM book proves that disability-inclusive development makes economic sense


Big palm oil is making the rules

Growing demand for palm oil is changing agriculture in countries as far apart as Ghana and Indonesia


Unemployment destroys marriages

Many men leave Malawi to work abroad, leaving their wives alone

Gender relations

U-shaped curve

Young Indian women have great professional aspirations, but many dreams will not come true

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