Higher learning

“Education must not be for sale”

Chile’s poor youth suffer in the privatised education system

Job opportunities

Working in poverty

Youth unemployment is on the rise and persistent gender gaps undermine social progress


Disasters waiting to happen

Failure to expand formal youth employment in Africa will mean more unrest, more migration, more crime and more religious extremism


Women want careers

Young Egyptian women do not accept traditional family roles


Still aspiring to ­change the world

Six years after the Arab spring, things look worse than ever to young Egyptians

Popular uprising

A triumph for young people

Burkinabe youth united to end the rule of President Blaise Compaoré


Making money with plastics

In Zimbabwe, recycling provides unemployed people with modest income

Business support

Sustainable export promotion

Import Promotion Desk help producers from developing countries to get a foothold in Europe


The stigma of failure

Failing to get to Europe, Ghanaian migrants return home

Foreign trade

Exports as drivers of growth

Relevant reading: exports contribute to driving growth – but they need to be the right sort of exports

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