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Gaddafi’s long shadows

Gaddafi’s long shadows south of the Sahara


Salt in an open sore

The world is turning away as Côte d’Ivoire slides into civil war

Poverty reduction

Meaningful help for self-help

Conditional cash transfers complement microcredit schemes in Brazil

Southern Africa

Setting an African example

Malawi’s president is proud of agricultural success


European dilemma

Refugees: European dilemma

Financial markets

Debating the price of food

Financial markets: Debating food prices

Agriculture in China

Feeding the masses

For 20 % of the world’s population, China has only 10 % of Earth’s arable land


Standardised data agreed

IATI standards serve to make aid more transparent

Official development assistance

Failing “failed” states

According to Oxfam, donors are neglecting fragile states

World Bank

More responsibility for developing countries

How voice reform came about at the World Bank

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