Soziokulturelle Faktoren
Faith-based discrimination

Myth of the Muslim monolith

How a radical minority came to define Pakistan’s Muslim identity

Identity politics

Dangerous polarisation

The humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukraine challenges civil society

Tea after Twelve

Stories of change

New international online magazine Tea after Twelve features innovation and entrepreneurship worldwide


Unknown reality

Weltwärts offers young people the opportunity to work and learn in a foreign environment

Ebola epidemic

New challenges

Margret Gieraths-Nimene heads a clinic for less fortunate in Monrovia and set up two Ebola isolation units last summer


Clashes within civilisations

Islamist terrorism is an expression of clashes within civilisations, not between them


Cheap and dangerous

Motorcycle taxis in Tanzania cause many traffic accidents, but are also a cheap way of transportation


Farmers' self-determination

Fairtrade is improving cotton farmers’ lot in Africa and India

Demographic trends

Differentiated action

Study illuminates reasons for sustained high birth rates in Sub-Saharan Africa

Women’s empowerment

Married too young

More work opportunities for women in Bangladesh can lower the rate of child marriages

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