Soziokulturelle Faktoren
International financial institution

Human and social beings

Better late than never – World Bank abandons “homo economicus”


A man’s war against obstetric fistula

Damilola Oyedele: Many young mothers in northern Nigeria suffer obstetric fistula after childbirth.


Strong military, poor performance

Nigerian military fails to protect the people from Boko Haram


Village voices

Why community radios matter so much to indigenous people in Bolivia

Gender violence

Activism days are not enough

Kenyan society is waking up to the issue of gender-based violence

Conflict research

Go into the field

As conflicts change, research about them needs to take new directions


Saving lives through discipline

Tuberculosis remains a huge challenge in Central Asia

Social programmes

Escaping need

Bolivia’s social programmes have considerably reduced extreme poverty


“One cannot shed one’s sexual identity”

South African Imam says Islam does not oppose different sexual orientations

Rule of law

Legal challenges

Promising, but incomplete: Tunisia’s legal provisions for achieving democracy and reconciliation

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