Soziokulturelle Faktoren
Same-sex marriage

All weddings are political

In Argentina, homosexual couples can marry and adopt children

LGBT rights

Same-sex marriage worldwide

Argentina tops the list of countries with a legislation that acknowledges sexual diversity

Gender-based violence

“I will never forgive”

South Africa must do more to tackle rape and sexualised violence – including in the context of traditional rituals

Gender relations

Risking one’s life to be able to marry

Bride-price tradition is destructive, but strong, in strife-torn South Sudan

Bizarre kind of sex tourism

Short-term relationship

In the Indian city of Hyderabad, “sheikh marriages” are never meant to last

Harmful tradition

“Amount given to the groom”

The dowry tradition is a curse on South Asian women

Child marriage

Result of poverty

The fate of a Ugandan girl being married at the age of 15

Child marriage

Political will

Uganda´s government tries to reduce the high rates of child marriages

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