Development and


At D+C/E+Z, we are proud of our international network of authors. It is particularly important to us to be a platform for voices from the global south. Some authors contribute on a regular basis, others don't. Here you can find information about the people behind the contributions.

Mirja Michalscheck

last contributed to D+C/E+Z in spring 2017 as a PhD candidate at Wageningen University (Farming Systems Ecology Group). She has been working for Africa RISING since 2013 in Zambia, Ethiopia and Ghana.  

All articles of Mirja Michalscheck

Rural development

May we participate in your lives?

To cooperate well with smallholder farmers, we must understand what they do and how they think


Thirsty city

Private households in Amman could use much less water


Simple, but effective

The tradition of puryfing drinking water with clay filters deserves to be revitalised in the Arab World

Our Contributors