Soziokulturelle Faktoren
A case study

A family’s blessing

Psychologists’ own mental templates can distort their assessments of people from different backgrounds

Cultural specificity

Cultural determinants of ‘reality’

In many cultures, the only acceptable way to express mental distress is to point to a physical problem

Psychiatric problems

Metaphysical explanations

In West Africa, traditional or religious practices are often the preferred method of treating mental disorders

Our view

“There is no health without mental health”

Almost everywhere in the world, mental illness is a taboo subject

Young offenders

Tougher law

A Filipino reform to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility is set to further victimise marginalised youth


Why women join the “holy war”

Islamism experts explain why more and more women are joining radical Islamist groups

Mobile money services

Popular with employees and customers alike

Mobile-phone companies in Zambia give unemployed youth a chance

Social inclusion

The parents’ burden

In India, a growing number of economically disadvantaged parents are sending their children to private schools


Overrated model

Recent admissions scandal reveals inequalities and corruption in US American education

Natural disasters

On-going droughts

Zimbabwe’s nature and people suffer from erratic rainfall and droughts

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