Soziokulturelle Faktoren

Preventing teacher violence

Training programme to curb teacher violence as an educational practice

Educational practices

The dire consequences of school violence

Teacher violence has a negative impact on students' mental health and academic performance


Digital literacy would help Pakistan’s female population

Why most Pakistani women are denied digital opportunities

Women’s rights

How illiteracy perpetuates oppression of Pakistani women

Half of Pakistan’s women cannot read or write in any language

School quality

Nepal’s deep educational divides

Rural and state-run schools in Nepal must catch up with urban and private ones

Our view

Literacy empowers, so schools must do a good job

More than ever, people must be able to read and write


Pathways out of extreme poverty and hunger

Social protection, land ownership and promotion in the agricultural sector can alleviate ultra-poverty


Highs and lows of immigrant life in Germany

Three immigrants in Frankfurt tell their story


Highs and lows of immigrant life in Germany

Three immigrants in Frankfurt tell their story


Jakarta’s lasting challenges

Even if Indonesia’s government relocates to Kalimantan, the problems of the former capital will deserve attention

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