Soziokulturelle Faktoren
Child prostitution

Hunger and poverty make young girls sell their bodies

Zimbabwe is seeing a spike in child prostitution as poverty and hunger spread


“Teaching democracy is just as important as teaching maths”

Ahmad Mansour, expert in extremism prevention, calls for more democracy education in schools and integration courses

Urban life

Rio’s poor have reason to fear the police

The vast majority in Brazil’s poor communities are not involved in crime

Marginalised communities

Where Brazil's neglected people live

Favelas are a particular kind of disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Brazilian cities

Horn of Africa

Who is caught in the crossfire of Ethiopia’s recent conflict

In Ethiopia’s ongoing Tigray conflict, Eritrean refugees are especially at risk

Child brides

An early end to childhood

Despite a law banning marriage under age 18, Malawi is seeing an increase


Pulling the levers of power in Bolivia

With or without representation parliament, political movements have long influenced Bolivian politics

Social media

Tackling disinformation

Humanitarian workers are confronted with dangerous disinformation regarding health and vaccinations

Humanitarian aid

A time of reckoning

Humanitarian agencies are assessing what privilege, racism and inequality mean within their own ranks

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