Soziokulturelle Faktoren

Not only wildlife depends on Andaman biodiversity

How a small indigenous tribe is put at risk on an Indian Ocean island


US democracy is still in danger

Today’s Republicans are either right-wing extremists or pander to them

The arts

Returning looted African art

In cooperation with African partners, Frankfurt’s Museum of World Cultures is tackling the issue of artefacts stolen in colonial times

Restitution of looted art

A difficult task

Debate on restitution of colonial looted art in Germany and France


Environment-friendly pest management

Why organic agriculture does not need synthetic pesticides

Rural life

Activists raise awareness of ecosystem relevance in Malawi

Agricultural biodiversity has been neglected far too long, for instance in Malawi

Social media

“The vast majority does not get any kind of sex education”

Teenagers around the world use the internet for self-exploration

Female genital mutilation

“Violence is related to a variety of social conditions”

The organisation Forward for Women assists women in Germany and Senegal who have been affected by female genital mutilation

Child brides

The scourge of early marriage

Poverty and cultural traditions push young girls into marriage in Malawi


Pakistan is among the worst countries for girls

Where traditional norms prevail, girls’ rights tend to be neglected

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