Soziokulturelle Faktoren

Why racist attitudes lead to neglection of common good

Systemic racism hurts the USA’s white majority, as a new book shows

Sinti and Roma

Sinti and Roma demand equality and participation

Racism and antiziganism are deeply rooted in European societies


Mexico’s racial divide

Mexico’s ideology of mestizaje, or racial mixing, obscures ingrained racism

Summer Special

Alluring and fascinating city where nothing is safe

Rahman Abbas’ novel Rohzin is a love story that portrays modern Muslim life in multi-cultural

Summer Special

A shy girl becomes the face of anti-racist protests

The movie “The Hate U Give” addresses racism in today’s society in an entertaining way

Skin-whitening products

Why lighter complexions are associated with higher status

The trade in skin-whitening creams is a sign of internalised racist ideas of beauty

Social mobility

How to spot members of Nepal’s middle class

Nepal’s middle class is growing, but slower GDP growth threatens its progress

Social stratification

Myths of middle class dynamism

Africa does not have a homogenous, progressive and fast growing middle class

Online forum


Campaigning online for Dalit rights

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