Government attempts to quantify the diversity of United States residents have always fallen short. Outdated understandings of race are part of the problem.
Identity politics can promote justice, but also further divide our world. It is important to take an inclusive approach that recognises the complexity of identities and involves everyone in creating sustainable change.
Thirteen years after gaining independence, South Sudan is still struggling with the inclusion of its various ethnic communities. Tribalism remains a challenge that undermines a functioning nation state.
Rafael Correa and Evo Morales adopted new constitutions in Ecuador and Bolivia in 2008 and 2009. Both presidents’ identity politics placed a strong focus on indigenous culture and led to change.
In Johannesburg, clerics and worshippers say their conscience is torn between illegal money and seeing their churches impoverished, because they fund their churches with illegal mining.
In Ghana, many rural, poor women are left with no option but to take up labour-intensive blue-collar jobs, such as carrying heavy loads with pans on their heads.