
Training tailors, cooks or service staff

Catholic nuns try to help young women in Zambia to escape poverty

DBL Group

“We are growing dynamically”

Automation will have multiple implications, positive and negative – for example people will have better training so their opportunities improve


Teachers urgently wanted

In Ghana, efforts to find a solution to teacher shortages are still ongoing

Our view

Why life is safer in high-income countries

Resilience depends more on strong institutions than on purchasing power

Philipp Schwartz Initiative

Safety and new jobs for displaced scholars

The Philipp Schwartz Initiative helps at-risk researchers to come to Germany

Free speech

Protecting freedom of expression is a permanent challenge

Quality media deserve appreciation because only they enable people to form and express informed opinions

Development cooperation

In spite of the Taliban, Afghanistan deserves help

To support Afghanistan’s people, international community should restart development cooperation

Migration and education

High hurdles in German education system

Refugee children and their families have a hard time negotiating Germany’s complex, heterogeneous educational landscape.

Our view

Markets leave some people behind

The top priority must be to ensure that state-run schools perform well

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