Development and


International reports

Life’s foundation is essential

Children’s development in early childhood was analysed from different perspectives in 2023, marking the midway point towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. All of these goals have a bearing on early childhood

Childhood anthropology

How culture shapes early childhood

Cultural variations in learning and parenting persist across the globe. However, globalisation and the market economy are changing parenting patterns in all cultures


Health education for communities in Nepal

More education on health issues is needed in Nepal, especially for women and girls. Local health centres and Female Community Health Volunteers play a crucial role


The fate of a girl from Zimbabwe

The author and activist Tsitsi Dangarembga writes about a young woman’s fight for the right to female self-determination in Zimbabwe


Experiencing feminism in Uganda

In “The First Woman”, Ugandan author Jennifer Makumbi portrays the many facets of feminism in Uganda


Living as refugee in Kenya

To expand the Kakuma refugee camp, the Kalobeyei settlement was established in Kenya, providing shelter to refugees mostly from South Sudan


Family planning is a woman’s right

Smart family-planning policies support women’s rights and empower young people

Demographic change

Slow decline of African birth rates

High fertility correlates with poverty – and compounds it

Poverty reduction

Overview education

Our overview compiles contributions on education


“We don’t need saviours – we need dialogue on equal footing”

Journalist and founder Düzen Tekkal discusses the progress Germany has made on immigration, and what still needs to be done

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