
Family planning is a woman’s right

Smart family-planning policies support women’s rights and empower young people

Demographic change

Slow decline of African birth rates

High fertility correlates with poverty – and compounds it

Poverty reduction

Overview education

Our overview compiles contributions on education


“We don’t need saviours – we need dialogue on equal footing”

Journalist and founder Düzen Tekkal discusses the progress Germany has made on immigration, and what still needs to be done


Influencing teachers in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s ruling party is blamed to indoctrinate teachers for its cause

Higher learning

How universities in India and Germany differ

A social scientist from Kolkata shares her experiences after completing her PhD at Bonn University


Promote digital learning in Pakistan

Pakistan should invest more in both education and digitisation to promote literacy and close obvious gender gaps

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Artificial intelligence

Why AI is likely to reinforce common narratives

Chatbots will make formal education more, not less important

Our view

Digitalisation requires private dynamism and prudent regulation

How private-sector companies drove digital progress in developing countries and why governments still matter

Working life

Vocational education for girls in Uganda

Smart Girls Foundation, a social enterprise, trains girls in areas like machinery welding, automotive mechanics and electric installation

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