Latin America

Indigenous politics in Ecuador and Bolivia

Rafael Correa and Evo Morales adopted new constitutions in Ecuador and Bolivia in 2008 and 2009. Both presidents’ identity politics placed a strong focus on indigenous culture and led to change.

Global Governance

The drivers of change are at the local level

To support recipient countries sustainably, donor governments and institutions must respect regional cultures, argues Pirmin Spiegel, the director-general of Misereor, the Catholic development agency.

Multilateral organisations

What geopolitics have to do with golf clubs

International organisations rarely follow set rules with regard to the inclusion or exclusion of members. For that reason, Christina Davis calls them “discriminatory clubs” in her book of the same name.


Messages of hate and Hindu dominance

India’s ruling party, the BJP, has a long history of contempt for the nation’s large Muslim minority


Why South India snubs Modi

In the current election campaign India’s prime minister is emphasising identity politics that so far have not resonated much in regions with Dravidian languages.

Development policy

Germany’s development policy serves all people

German international-development efforts benefit not only partner countries, but people living in Germany as well


Two peoples’ experience of displacement

The greatest problem in the Israel-Palestine conflict is that both sides have reason to believe the other one wants to destroy them.

Humanitarian emergencies

The forgotten war

Sudan faces one of the world’s most devastating conflicts. However, it is being utterly neglected in the crisis-ridden global political situation.

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Global agenda

Global public goods matter for global development

The international community must address urgent worldwide challenges with full determination

Pakistan’s elections

Tangible action needed in Pakistan

After disputed elections in Pakistan, a new coalition has taken office. It faces huge challenges, especially regarding the stabilisation of the economy and better disaster preparedness.

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