Our view

The truth must be remembered

Those who suppress the historical truth, ultimately want to suppress people


Commission presents recommendations for German Government

Experts recommend targeting support for social-protection systems in countries of origin and host countries to mitigate the causes of displacement

Social policy

Social-protection systems reduce causes of displacement

Social-protection systems not only offer a safety net for individuals; they can also help tackle crises affecting society as a whole


Sudan’s uncertain journey towards democracy

Though civilian prime minister is back in office after coup attempt, the situation in Khartoum remains tense

Tigray conflict

Eritrean refugees are at risk in Ethiopia

The Tigray conflict exposes Eritreans living in refugee camps in Northern Ethiopia to recurring violence

Polish border crisis

“There are viable and humane solutions”

Migration researcher calls for humane border controls

Our view

In search of humane solutions

Prosperous nations must stop shying away from the huge challenge of drafting better policies for migration and flight

Sexual abuse

How some Nepali girls end up as prostitutes

After being trafficked into sex work, women are often trapped in slavery-like conditions in a foreign country

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