Intercultural music

Music of the Nile

The multinational music collective “The Nile Project” sang in many styles and languages about life along the Nile

Cyber security
World information order

Hold those who lie online responsible

In view of dangerous propaganda on social media, a human right to trustworthy information would make sense

European law

DSA is an EU effort to manage systemic online risks

Innovative European legislation regarding digital services may set global example

International standards

Better data systems for better social protection

A global initiative aims to develop international standards for data systems to improve support for those in need

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“We don’t need saviours – we need dialogue on equal footing”

Journalist and founder Düzen Tekkal discusses the progress Germany has made on immigration, and what still needs to be done


Immigrants living with forged identity documents in South Africa

In South Africa, the use of fake identity documents has created a dilemma for many immigrants when using social media

Migration in Latin America

Venezuelans continue to leave their country on dangerous treks

People of all ages still leave Venezuela using ever more perilous routes. North America remains an increasingly desirable destination

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European Union

EU strengthens borders against refugees

Faced with more migrants, the EU strengthens border agency Frontex, and member states tighten refugee policies – often at the expense of human rights

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Indigenous people

The Yanomami are dying, and their blood is on Bolsonaro's hands

Brazil’s biggest ethnic group, the Yanomami, are being wiped out by hunger and disease. The Bolsonaro government is to blame.

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