Development and



A future for the Pantanal

Traditional communities protect biodiversity of world’s largest inland wetland in Brazil

Financial sector

Experts debate on how to achieve green economy

Johan Rockström, the eminent environment expert, considers biodiversity crisis more dangerous than climate crisis


Forests are the world’s green lungs

KfW supports jungle areas in Laos and Vietnam, as these are carbon reservoirs and habitats for many endangered species

Our view

Pandemic lessons

Climate mitigation has positive health impacts internationally

Environmental protection

Cleaning up Mexico’s water bodies

A NGO hopes to raise awareness for pollution with clean-ups of plastic waste from coastal areas and water bodies across Mexico


Stemming the tide of plastic waste

With the decision to conclude new global treaties, UN members are rising to a daunting environmental challenge

Coherent policymaking

Weak governance systems do not consider long-term trends

In least-developed countries, community resilience depends on eco-system resilience


New fund for conservation areas

Many conservation areas in income-poor world regions need better funding. KfW Development Bank has established a new tool to address this issue


Biodiversity conservation areas need better funding

Humanity depends on a diverse natural world but many important conservation areas are underfunded, especially in developing countries

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