Several countries announced contributions to different climate funds at the climate summit in Dubai last year. However, their commitments are not nearly enough to cover the costs of adaptation, loss and damage.
The fact that the climate crisis is becoming dramatic must not discourage us. What is needed is more cooperation and less polarisation. Every 10th of a degree matters because it can help put a check on irreversible damage.
According to climate expert Mojib Latif, the climate crisis is also pushing rich countries to the limit. He is calling for governments to be more open with citizens – and for more international cooperation.
Glaciers, snow and permafrost are undergoing rapid transformation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region, with disastrous consequences for water and food security
Extreme weather events show the effects of global heating. The worst affected are those most in need – for example in Kakuma in northern Kenya, one of the world’s largest refugee camps.