Working life

Vocational education for girls in Uganda

Smart Girls Foundation, a social enterprise, trains girls in areas like machinery welding, automotive mechanics and electric installation

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Social disparities thwart climate justice

Environmental burdens must be shared fairly – within world regions and between them

Ground-breaking lawsuit

Andes farmer takes on conglomerate

In Peru, a farmer is calling on a German company to take responsibility for glacier melt in a ground-breaking lawsuit

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Renewable energy

Facilitating the transition away from coal

Many low-income countries face the challenge of phasing out coal in a just way, which also takes into account affected workers and their communities

Young generation

How Generation Z is changing the world of work in development

Attitudes have changed towards global relations and work-life balance – at Berlin’s Centre for Rural Development (SLE) as well

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Climate and biodiversity

To protect life on earth, we must cooperate

The world conferences of Sharm el-Sheikh and Montréal have shown once again that global crises require multilateral solutions


The pros and cons of plastic water tanks

Large water tanks are a blessing in case of water shortage in Zimbabwe, but also have downsides


Industrial agriculture has failed

The solution to the present food price and hunger crisis is to transition food production to agroecological concepts suited to the location


What agriculture-policy reforms must deliver

Smallholder farmers are clever entrepreneurs who know exactly what they want and need


Indians are beginning to pay more attention to healthy diets

Why millets should prove useful in the fight against malnutrition in South Asia

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