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Youth movements

“I am angry because Kenya is not working for many of its citizens”

Kenya’s youth have been taking to the streets against the government for weeks. Sports student Shakira Wafula almost involuntarily became a face of the movement. In this interview, she talks about what is driving young Kenyans.

Respectful tourism

Mexico must include its indigenous population in the tourism sector

Mexico owes many of its tourist attractions to its wealth of indigenous communities. It is important that they are included in the country’s tourism industry in a sustainable, respectful and empowering way.


Mexico’s first female president

The result of Mexico’s recent election was historical for several reasons

Global tourism industry

A not very sustainable recovery of global tourism

The global tourism industry is recuperating from the coronavirus pandemic but least developed countries in particular lag behind. Among the biggest challenges are lack of investment and the climate crisis.


Healing a post-genocide society

Rwanda has invested much in healing the society from the trauma of genocide, it introduced traditional Gacaca courts and socio-therapy.

International law

A new book examines the charge of apartheid against Israel

Law professor Kai Ambos advises Israel to take accusations of apartheid seriously.

Identity politics

Why the acronym BIPoC does not have to explain anything

The acronym “BIPoC” is a self-designation that symbolises solidarity between people who have experienced racial discrimination. The term is not suitable for categorising social contexts or specific people.

Social disparities

India’s tiny plutocratic elite is growing fast

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has delivered pro-rich growth

Language politics in Cameroon

From colonial division to bloody conflict

Up to now, life in Cameroon is determined by whether one is Francophone or Anglophone. The so-called “Anglophone crisis” surrounding the independence aspirations of the part of the country that was once a British colony is claiming more and more victims.

Russia and China

BRICS-members are not coordinating their West-Africa strategies

Ghanaian scholar assesses Russia’s role in ECOWAS and speaks of new scramble for Africa

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.