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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Mexico must include its indigenous population in the tourism sector

Mexico owes many of its tourist attractions to its wealth of indigenous communities. It is important that they are included in the country’s tourism industry in a sustainable, respectful and empowering way.


Playing with fire

Current trade disputes are distracting policymakers from more urgent global issues

Left-wing populism

The currency of Venezuelan politics

In Venezuela’s political crisis, foreign governments must not fan the flames

Trade policy

More fairness and sustainability

Social Democrats call for fair play in world trade

PEGNet Conference 2019

Call for Papers

The call for papers for this year’s PEGNet conference has arrived

Emerging markets

Allied rivals

In economic terms, India is still lagging behind China

Global governance

“Light at the end of the tunnel”

Donald Trump is disrupting international trade but has not caused lasting damage so far

Geo-strategic danger

How sanctions can cause war

The European attempt to circumvent US sanctions against Iran may prove too little, too late

Patterns of trade

South-south exchange matters most

The patterns of India’s foreign trade have changed dramatically in the past three decades

Regional organisation

Like a magnet

ECOWAS has made considerable progress, but still has ample room for improvement

Anti-democratic policies

The threatening danger of fascism

Former US Secretary of State warns that democratic values are being undermined incrementally