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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Mexico must include its indigenous population in the tourism sector

Mexico owes many of its tourist attractions to its wealth of indigenous communities. It is important that they are included in the country’s tourism industry in a sustainable, respectful and empowering way.

Fire hazards

Up in flames

Zambian poor are increasingly subject to fire hazards from charcoal and firewood they use for heating and cooking


False promises, questionable term

The term “development” makes false promises and perpetuates colonial dominance thinking

International relations

From “underdevelopment” to the SDGs

Why stereotyped ideas of developed and developing nations are not helpful

Global Governance

Self-perpetuating cycles of violence

Joint UN and World Bank study on international cooperation in conflict prevention

Land ownership

How the first redistribution attempt failed

The policy proposed by Namibia’s first National Land Reform Conference in the early 1990s never took off

Land restitution

Righting a wrong

To make amends for colonial-era crimes, Germany should fund Namibian land restitution

Fruit industry

Multiple adversities

Pakistan’s mango sector is hurt by environmental changes and slow exports

Our view

Belonging together

Nations are nothing natural, but human-made “imagined communities”


Build back better

IEA wants stimulus money to drive climate protection

Nursing care and support

A new intergenerational compact

Once more, Covid-19 shows that care work is largely left to women – and that must change