South Asia

Rule of law

Prisons need reform

By reforming its prisons, Bangladesh can set an example


Post-colonial authoritarianism

Binayak Sen is a post-colonial victim of a repressive law from India’s colonial past


Against the odds

Women entrepreneurs face gender-spefic challenges – for instance in Bangladesh


Tragedy in Andhra Pradesh

The reasons for the microfinance tragedy in Andhra Pradesh

Distorted data

Indian dilemma

According to official data, poverty affects more people in India than assumed in the past


Police officers live dangerously

German police officer assess his training mission in Afghanistan

Health care

“We didn’t do any miracles”

Bangladesh is self-sufficient in pharma production


Interrelated challenges

Afghanistan is not Vietnam


“There is no sense of trust”

Conrad Schetter: „There is no sense of trust in Afghanistan“


“Our goal is crisis prevention”

Dirk Niebel: „Our goal is crisis prevention“

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