Development and

Planned parenthood

E-learning to improve counselling

The BUKO Pharma-Kampagne, a non-governmental organisation based in Germany, has launched a new E-learning course on contraceptive methods. Targeting international project staff working in the field of women’s health and family planning, it aims to improve local counselling efforts in order to strengthen reproductive rights, rights of self-determination and women’s freedom of choice in developing countries.

Developed with financial support from Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the E-learning course tackles typical problems and pitfalls in a practical manner, providing clear and comprehensive information on the pros and cons of current contraceptives. Understanding risks and side-effects is vital, for instance, for the safe use of hormone-base contraceptives. At the same time, good advice and access to comprehensive information are essential to enable women to make informed decisions on family planning and contraception.

The course conveys basic information on international agreements and regulations concerning reproductive and sexual rights as well as international policy objectives in maternal and child health. The course covers how the Millennium Development Goal of improving maternal health relates to the issues, and what new targets are set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Finally, the course considers various policies and concepts to limit population growth and assesses them in a critical perspective.


E-learning course on contraceptives (only in German):

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