Development and

Dialogue between human rights groups and trade unions

Under the title “Global Social Rights”, the German IG Metall union and organisations such as Attac, medico international and FIAN want to launch a dialogue between trade unions and human rights organisations. At a conference in Frankfurt at the end of February, the different points of view became apparent first. Thomas Seibert from medico international says that airing the points of contention is an important first step. So far, the two sides only agree that they both want “another globalisation”. According to Seibert, the objective of the dialogue they are striving for is to discuss details. One key issue, for example, is how to deal with immigrants who are emerging as competitors on the labour market. Seibert feels the trade unions have to give themselves a general socio-political task instead of concentrating solely on their core competence. Human rights organisations like medico international or FIAN have already made this change. “People donate money to human rights organisations today precisely because they are also active in other areas,” says Seibert. “And what donors are for us is what members are for the trade unions.” The alliance is part of the civil society campaign for the upcoming G8 summit in Heiligendamm. (cir)

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