Print edition
Contents October issue

Hans Dembowski:
Impossible to wish away
Economic growth is good for Africa, but not enough in itself | The developmental role of migrants’ organisations | EU trade agreements with ACP countries | Dealing with natural disasters | Nowadays: Motorcycle taxis in Cameroon | New hope for Myanmar | In brief
Focus: Traumas of the past
Interview with Estela de Carlotto:
The stolen babies of political prisoners in Argentina
Sheila Mysorekar:
How children disappeared
Andreas Jacobs:
A new beginning for Egypt and other Arab spring countries
Hadija Ramadan al-Amami:
Gaddafi’s victims demand justice
Interview with Quentin Peel:
Germany has done a lot to deal with its past
Edith Koesoemawiria:
Timor Leste’s painful independence from Indonesia
David Moore:
Why South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission is an over-rated model
Manuel Wollschläger:
Armed clashes keep flaring up in the DR Congo
A history of bloodshed
Interview with Godeliève Mukasarasi:
Raped mothers in Rwanda learn to deal with their personal history
Stefanie Keienburg:
Psycological wounds are still hurting Rwanda
Eleonore von Bothmer:
How two Malawian diabetics are coping with their condition
Oliver Möllenstädt:
Indian interest in recycling plastic waste
Friedrich Kaufmann and Winfried Borowczak:
Challenges for industrial policy in Mozambique
Rahim Hajji and Soraya Moket:
Moroccan diaspora in Germany is ready to support development efforts in country of origin
Comments on western governments’ response to outrage in Muslim countries and Saudi Arabia’s support for Islamist forces | Letter