Development and

Print edition

Contents October issue

Contents page of October's D+C print edition with links to all contributions:
Dwindling forests D+C/E+Z 2013/10 Dwindling forests


Hans Dembowski:
Law of the jungle – why forests are disapperaring fast from developing countries and why Germans don't understand the reasons



The challenges of achieving universal health coverage in developing countries | EU trade policy is over-ambitious | ODI researchers on
the links between land ownership and economic growth
| Nowadays: a football-based business model in Afghanistan Africa´s public image in western media | In brief


Focus: Dwindling forests

Silas Kpanan’Ayoung Siakor:
Liberia’s forest resources are being plundered

Ephrem Balole, Gesine Ames and Ilona Auer-Frege:
The government of the DR Congo lacks the will and the means to protect forests

Julio César Bernio:
Indigenous peoples are fighting for land rights in Argentina’s Gran Chaco

Ulrike Haupt and Birgit Joussen:
How to make international timber trade sustainable

Monika Hellstern:
The world’s forests need stringent protection

Korinna Horta:
Tackling the climate-impact of deforestation



A.K. Ghosh:
Salt-resistant rice varieties are valuable in flood-prone Ganges Delta

Moira Feil, Mario Stumm and Jürgen Zattler:
Synergies in the fight against poverty and the provision of global public goods

Wolfgang Möllers and Matthias Österle:
Road towards autonomous region in southern Philippines remains bumpy

Wolfgang Maier and Sebastian Barnet Fuchs:
German foundations that promote public involvement in political decisionmaking are facing ever more difficulties abroad



UN officer Speciosa Wandira-Kazibwe discusses African health-care problems in our interview | Letter | Comments on the German governments role in the post-2015 debate and on endangered press freedom in Senegal