Print edition
Contents November issue

Hans Dembowski:
Tragedy of the commons
Where German car makers’ iron comes from | Global Hunger Index | Drone strikes in Pakistan | Turkish leadership aspirations | The need for social safety nets | Nowadays: No one trusts Malawi’s police | UNEP and INTERPOL publish report on illegal logging
Focus: Disputed seas
Alan C. Robles:
Tensions in the South China Sea
Lorenz Hemicker:
Operation Atalanta has not put Somali pirates out of business
Interview with Thilo Maack:
The high seas need effective multilateral protection
Virginia Mercado:
Mexico’s martime oil treasure
Mathieu Régnier:
Losing our cool in the Arctic Ocean
Holger Thomsen:
Beira, a Mozambican port town, is exposed to the rising sea level
Francisco J. Marí:
The EU’s fishing policy is undermining developmental efforts
Dirk Niebel:
Germany’s minister for international development wants to see employment high on international agenda
Tetsuro Yoshida and Ikuho Miyazawa:
The daunting challenge of defining Sustainable Development Goals
Uwe Jens:
The world economy needs a level playing field
Christine Blome and Claudia Schilling:
Making friends at eye level – the international school partnership programme ENSA
Interview with lawyer Hugo Carlos Leal Tot: Indigenous worries in Guatemala | Comments on President Mursi’s first 100 days in Egypt and conflict in Mali | Letter to the editor