Print edition
Contents November issue

Hans Dembowski:
Apart from global warming, there are other good reasons for phasing out fossil fuels
OECD Development Cooperation Report proposes ways to raise more funding | Civil-society organisations call for international solidarity in health care | African artists must do without or only inadequate skills training | Nowadays: Libyan education sector is being eroded in civil strife | In brief | Politically smart and locally led aid | Afghanistan’s future
Focus: New energy
Anthony J. Jude:
Why subsidies for fossil fuels are destructive
Interview with Imme Scholz:
“Skip out-dated technologies”
Tetsuro Yoshida and Noriko Shimizu:
National policies do not necessarily serve global goals
Do Thi Bich Ngoc:
Rural challenges in Vietnam
Karim Okanla:
Benin depends on firewood – and smuggled petrol from Nigeria
Marlis Kees:
Assessing the market potential of fuel-efficient cookstoves
Toni Kaatz-Dubberke:
Cape Verde on course to become a world leader
Interview with Loay Mudhoon:
How the oil curse is hurting the Middle East and North Africa
Achim Neumann:
Review essay: relevant reading on the transition to renewable energy
Helmut Baumgarten and Hendrik Blome:
Humanitarian logistics: challenges and opportunities
David Majed:
Why migrants‘ children often prove good at development work
Interview with Imam Muhsin Hendricks: “One cannot shed one’s sexual orientation” | Comment on Ebola epidemic