Print edition
Contents July issue

Hans Dembowski:
The huge challenges of drafting the post-2015 agenda
The middle classes, development and democracy | Humanitarian agencies must rise to the challenges of climate change | Improving the opportunities for African businesses | IFPRI wants hunger to be eliminated by 2025 | Nowadays: In rural India millions of toilets are lacking | In brief | New online-platform for sharing municipal experiences | Engagement Global supports civil society activism
Focus: Thinking beyond 2015
Ronald Mangani:
Greater expectations, new division of labour
Interview with Gerd Müller:
Charter for the Future: Germany as a role model for sustainable development
Hildegard Lingnau and Valentin Lang:
How poverty should be defined and inequality assessed
Interview with Karin Slowing Umaña:
Central America must heed the lessons of the MDGs
Paul Quintos:
Inequality has to be reduced to make development sustainable
Emma Samman, Laura Rodriguez Takeuchi and Esther Sommer:
Why the inclusion of persons with disabilities matters very much
Heiner Janus, Stephan Klingebiel and Sebastian Paulo:
Beyond aid: new means and new ends
Nadja Meisterhans:
Relevant reading: publications on the post-2015 debate
Damilola Oyedele:
Domestic violence in Nigeria and India
Jon-Andri Lys and Alexander Schulze:
The updated Swiss principles on research cooperation with developing countries
Sarah Hornsby:
Music schools for disadvantaged youth in São Paulo
Interview with Verónica Corchado on life in a Mexican border town that is marked by the illegal drugs economy | Letters | Comment on civil war in Iraq