Print edition
Contents January issue

Hans Dembowski:
Traditions and modernity
Global Soil Week: competition for fertile land is intensifying | African universities must prepare for professional work | World Bank subsidiary IFC emphasises women’s role in business | Churches contribute to homophobia in Africa | Nowadays: roof-top garden in Kolkata | International military expenditure | Women’s rights in Afghanistan
Focus: Health
Interview with Rose Futrih N. Njini:
In Cameroon, too many nurses and doctors lack a perspective
Anne Jung:
Sierra Leone’s health services do not deliver on official promises
Ute Papkalla:
Truck drivers health will benefit from employers’ innovative quality management in southern Africa
Interview with Flora Kessy:
Tanzanian anti-malaria project is aware of how poor people live
Barbara Kühlen and Susanne Schmitz:
Buen vivir and primary health care: why voluntary health workers matter in Latin America
Interview with Irma Condori:
“Agents of Change” in Bolivia
Bastian Schnabel:
WHO promotes process management for ensuring safe drinking water
Ipsita Sapra:
Consequences of disability in rural India
Michael Bünte:
Developing countries must prepare for ageing populations with specific health needs
Rita Schäfer:
Outdated male stereotypes are hampering gender equality in South Africa
Sandip Chattopadhyay:
India’s market for off-grid solar devices is growing
Interview with Marco Seliger: Afghanistan’s future oulook after 2014 | Op-Ed views on the UN climate summit in Qatar | Letters