Print edition
Contents February issue

Hans Dembowski:
Specific business models
Global summits like Rio+20 trigger new initiatives in China | Church-based organisations in Germany criticise their country’s increasing arms exports | Why it is especially challenging to evaluate peace building operations | Swiss-backed NGO supports AIDS orphans in southern and eastern Africa | Nowadays: Malawi’s unpopular male circumcision programme | Munich Re’s disaster statistics show impact of climate change
Focus: Banks
Horatius Egua:
Ecobank has set a pan-African model
Interview with Bruno Wenn:
Lessons learned in the global financial crisis
Jayati Ghosh:
Globally harmonised bank regulation does not serve developing countries’ needs
Fernando J. Cardim de Carvalho:
BNDES, Brazil’s powerful domestic development bank
Geoffrey Muzigiti and Oliver Schmidt:
Financial inclusion is still inadequate, but improving in sub-Saharan Africa
Kathrin Berensmann, Ulrich Volz and Peter Wolff:
In the financial crisis, multilateral institutions focus on middle-income countries
Henning Melber:
Germany struggles to deal with colonial-past atrocities in Namibia
Interview with the ECOPA-Team, Salvador da Bahia:
Salvador da Bahia is preparing to host FIFA World Cup games in 2014
Sonja Peteranderl:
Internet opens windows on life in Brazilian favelas
Gisela Burckhardt and Dominic Kloos:
Clean Clothes Campaign demands better labour conditions in Bangladesh
Interview with Yasser Alwan: “Tough and confusing times in Egypt” | Comments on unpunished rape in India and on the Central African Republic’s most recent crisis | Letter