A Mexican civil-society organisation provides households and schools with smoke-free and wood-saving stoves, protecting the health of users and the woods
Das Nationalgericht im Senegal ist Thiéboudienne, Reis mit gebratenem oder getrocknetem Fisch und verschiedenen gekochten Gemüsen wie Kohl, Aubergine, Okra, Kürbis oder Süßkartoffel
Despite efforts to build road infrastructure, the country still struggles with the maintenance of the roads, many of which are cluttered with potholes or have been completely washed away
In Ghana, persons with disability such as the deaf will be issued with a driver’s licence upon passing training and testing prescribed by the authorities
COMESA, a regional economic community with 21 member states, is promoting intra-regional trade in Africa and helping at a time when the world faces immense disruptions
In Malawi, a new app helps farmers to organise their finances and ensures that they have funds available when they are most needed – during planting season