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Farai Shawn Matiashe



ist ein Journalist aus Mutare, Simbabwe.

Alle Artikel von Farai Shawn Matiashe


Using WhatsApp to access health care in Zimbabwe

On Cloomi, Zimbabweans at home and in the diaspora can check the availability of products offered by pharmacies and medical laboratories in their chosen location.


In Zimbabwe, women earn a living by selling quelea birds

For farmers the birds are a pest, for some women they serve as a livelihood


Telemedicine centres bring health care closer to excluded communities

Thanks to telemedicine, remote communities in the Amazon get medical advice in their region


Was Staatenlosigkeit bedeutet

In Simbabwe haben rund 300 000 Menschen keine Ausweispapiere und sind von vielen Bereichen des Lebens ausgeschlossen


Innovative farming in a refugee camp

A soilless cultivation technique allows refugees in a camp to grow fruit and vegetables on a small space


Goats farming reduces poaching

Farmers are encouraged to breed goats so they do not have to destroy wildlife to survive

Livestock farming

Fodder for the dry season

Planting cattle-feed crops saves many heads of cattle from death due to drought


Saatgutlager sorgt für Sicherheit

Eine Saatgutbank in Simbabwes dient als Versicherung nach Ernteverlust

Chilli farming

A hot spice for a hot market

Zimbabwean farmers take aim at profitable global markets for hot chillies

Solar power

Water for a parched land

Solar powered irrigation systems boost agriculture in arid parts of Zimbabwe

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