Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Regionale Integration

Weshalb Sambia die AfCTA braucht

Vergleichsweise kleine Volkswirtschaften brauchen Handel als Wachstumsmotor


Promoting regional trade in Africa

COMESA, a regional economic community with 21 member states, is promoting intra-regional trade in Africa and helping at a time when the world faces immense disruptions


„Ohne Schuldenerlass geht es mit Sri Lankas Wirtschaft weiter bergab“

IWF-Konzepte haben Sri Lankas Schuldenprobleme nicht gelöst, sondern verschärft, urteilt Sozialwissenschaftler


A mobile app extends much-needed credit to smallholders

In Malawi, a new app helps farmers to organise their finances and ensures that they have funds available when they are most needed – during planting season


Geldsegen für sambische Rentenbezieher

In Sambia können Arbeitnehmer neuerdings bis zu 20 Prozent ihrer staatlichen Rente vorab abheben und das Geld investieren

Business support

In Malawi, an NGO is helping victims of gender-based violence

Purple Innovation supports women having faced domestic violence to launch businesses and become financially independent


Pakistans multiple Krise

Glaubwürdige Wahlen könnten helfen, das Land aus dem Schlamassel zu führen – aber ist die Führung in Islamabad dazu in der Lage?


Zambia’s farmers learn about new technologies in agriculture

The Zambia National Farmers Union encourages farmers to use new tools and technologies to improve their yields

Brain drain

Underpaid and overworked health workers in Nigeria

Due to underpayment and overload, thousands of trained health workers are leaving Nigeria to find employment abroad


Exposition showcases the potential of poultry farming in Zambia

Zambia’s first international poultry exposition provided a platform for all stakeholders to connect and learn about new technologies

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